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Paper Minecraft

(1 258 768 głosów)
sierpień 2017
Browser (desktop-only)
Strony Wiki:

Paper Minecraft is an adventure game that transports the legendary Minecraft into a 2D world. Choose your character and preferred game mode to dive into the fun! This Scratch game features the classic survival and creative modes from the original Minecraft game.

How to Play Paper Minecraft

If you find yourself on this page, chances are you're already familiar with how Minecraft operates. The game is a staple in every modern gamer's repertoire. Paper Minecraft essentially follows the same concept but set in a 2D plane akin to the game Terraria. For those new to Minecraft, here's the gist...

Creative Mode

Creative mode provides you with an unlimited supply of tools and building materials. Fly around biomes, exploring diverse terrains such as forests, water bodies, rocks, and fields. This game mode is perfect if your main focus is on constructing cool creations and sharing them without the worry of survival.

Survival Mode

In survival mode, skill and ingenuity are required to stay alive. You begin with nothing and must make use of the natural environment to fend off the monsters that come out at night. Farm animals and crops for sustenance, mine resources to craft weapons, and construct defenses to ensure your safety.


  • The ultimate free 2D Minecraft game
  • Includes survival and creative game modes
  • Build, create, and survive in this outstanding browser game
  • The original Paper Minecraft from Scratch


Paper Minecraft is a web browser game created using Scratch, an incredible free tool developed at MIT for learning game development.


This game was crafted by a fan of the popular Mojang-developed Minecraft game. This version was created by Griffpatch; you can explore the developer's YouTube channel.

Release Date

May 2013 (continuously updated since then)

More Games Like This

Discover similar games by browsing our adventure category or try BloxdHop.io, featuring Minecraft graphics. Another recommended game is Build Royale, a top-down 2D world where you can build defenses and prepare for battle.


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  • F do jedzenia i trzymania rzeczy
  • Pasek do dzielenia elementu ze stosu w menu craftingu

Najczęściej Zadawane Pytania

Kto stworzył Papierowego Minecrafta?

Papierowy Minecraft został stworzony przez YouTubera i twórcę Scratcha, Griffpatcha.

Gdzie mogę zagrać w gry takie jak Papierowy Minecraft?

Na CrazyGames mamy kolekcję darmowe gry Minecraft.

Czy Papierowy Minecraft jest taki sam jak oryginalny Minecraft?

Papierowy Minecraft jest bardzo podobny do oryginalnej gry, ale grafika jest dwuwymiarowa.

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