Text Twist
Text Twist is a casual game developed by GameHouse where your task is to decipher as many words as possible using the given letters before time runs out. Each correct word contributes to your overall score.
How to Play Text Twist
Text Twist offers a mix of easy and challenging words to discover. The words must be at least 3 letters long. You have 2 minutes per round to find as many words as possible before the timer expires. To advance to the next round, you must find the longest word that utilizes all the letters.
Text Twist puts your reading and writing skills to the test. The words become increasingly difficult and obscure as you progress, so a good command of the English language is essential if you want to succeed.
The game includes a "twist" feature that shuffles the letters to assist you. This comes in handy when you're stuck and need a fresh perspective.
- Utilize your creative language skills to discover various words
- Enjoyable gameplay that challenges your English language proficiency
- Timed rounds for added excitement and pressure
- Rising difficulty level makes the game a true test
This game was created by GameHouse.
Web browser (desktop and mobile)
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Zaczniesz od grupy kółek, z których każde oznaczone jest literą. Kliknij na literę, aby umieścić go w polu powyżej, a następnie kliknij enter, gdy jesteś gotowy, aby przesłać go. Słowo pojawi się w siatce na górze ekranu. Istnieje również tajne "słowo bingo", które daje bonusowe punkty, jeśli je odkryjesz.
Najczęściej Zadawane Pytania
Jak wygrywasz w Text Twist?
Musisz znaleźć słowo, które używa jednocześnie wszystkich liter.
Jak trudny jest skręcanie tekstu?
Text Twist to dość wymagająca gra, nawet dla rodzimych użytkowników języka angielskiego.